Ready to transform your relationship with chronic pain?

Join me on a transformative journey in the "Heart and Healing Within Chronic Pain" course! As a licensed clinical psychologist and Realization Process senior teacher with over 30 years of experience, I designed this course with the aim of assisting individuals and therapists in managing and overcoming chronic pain. In this experiential learning we focus on the importance of compassionate self-treatment, the psychological and physical dimensions of pain, and key concepts such as the difference between acute and chronic pain, brain areas affected by chronic pain, and the potential for healing. 

The course is structured into five modules, each offering informational content, experiential exercises, and reflective questions to engage with the material deeply. Focusing on the possibilities for unlearning chronic pain through emotional balance, persistent self-care, gradual healing, and brain-strengthening through new learning. 

Course curriculum

    1. Course Introduction and Overview│The Heart and Healing within Chronic Pain

    2. *Disclaimer*

    3. Tutorial on Thinkific-Practicals

    4. Introduction to Realization Process

    1. Lesson 1: Pain is a Psychophysical Perception

    2. References: Lesson 1

    3. Q&A: Lesson 1

    4. Audio Practice: Sensory Exploration

    5. Audio Practice: Be with Your Experience

    1. Lesson 2: Old and New Science

    2. Q&A: Lesson 2

    3. References: Lesson 2

    4. Audio Practice: Body Map-Body Balance

    5. Audio Practice: Distinction between Awareness and Inhabiting

    1. Lesson 3: Acute vs. Chronic Pain

    2. Q&A: Lesson 3

    3. References: Lesson 3

    4. Audio Practice: Be with your Experience

    5. Audio Practice: Guided Erase of Pain

    1. Lesson 4: Chronic Pain Types & Affected Brain Areas

    2. Q&A Lesson 4

    3. References: Lesson 4

    4. Exercise-Brain Core Breath w: Subtle Circuitry

    1. Lesson 5: Healing is Possible

    2. Q&A and Testimonials: Lesson 5

    3. References: Lesson 5

    4. Audio Practice: Curious Tracking

    5. Audio Practice: Draw Around Hand and Foot

    6. Audio Practice: Dream Building from within the Core

    7. Audio Practice: Inhabit the Back

    8. Audio Practice: Relax Vision and Neck

About this course

  • 32 lessons

Things you can expect

  • Transform chronic pain through self-care, self-compassion, and to understand personal needs in healing.

  • Experience shifts in your life as we address the possibilities that new science offer (it's not psycho-somatic)

  • Explore how to turn your attention towards the body in pain begins the healing process.

  • New Learning is a key component to empower yourself in the journey to heal chronic pain.


Christi Bemister

Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Christi is a licensed clinical psychologist and Mind/Body Meditation Senior teacher with over 30 years of experience.

Discover how new learning and compassionate persistence transforms chronic pain

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